Quarantine Online dance Competition

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Quarantine Online dance Competition
Individual Dance Competition through Nepali citizen
Are you Feeling bore lets start dancing
No age bar (Dancer’s of any age can participate)
Free Entry/ Registration
Any form you like you can perform
hip hop classical folk tutting bboying locking baratnatyam any form you like.

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Cash prize winner rs5000/- and public choice rs 5000/-
send us your dancing video..
Shoot your single dance video of minimum 2-3 minutes
Video must be one take shot.
Dance video should be fresh original. Copyright/uploaded video will not be acceptable
Only Nepali and Cultural songs or music are allowed for video
( Hindi, English, vulgar, gender decriminalization not acceptable)
Video will be published in youtube channel Charming Entertainment
Winner will be declared by Judge panel
where as public choice will be decided by highest likes in youtube
Organizer decision will be final decision.
Dancer can use your their phone.
send you video : cenmail9@gmail.com/ rajmaharjan43@gmail.com
Fb: charming Entertainment Yt: Charming Entertainment

LuckDown yes it’s critical but yet our motive behind this compettion is to create smile and
spread hapiness in people. Lets be positive, stayhappy,stay safe and healthy.

last submission Date
baishak 13 2077 25th April 2020
winner prizes
baishak 19 2077 1st May 2020
codinator: Kajol Rai
Judge: Subhash Pradhan
Judge: Raj Maharjan

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Wash your hands with soap frequently, thoroughly.
If you need to cough, cover with your elbow, not your hand.
Avoid touching your face. If you see someone else touching their face, call them out.
Separate clothes you wear outside from ones you wear at home.
When you get home, wash your hands and change clothes.
Keep clothes you wear outside separate.
Clean your mobile phones daily with a cloth soaked in Dettol water or some other sanitizer.
Wash or sanitize hands immediately after handling cash.
Elderly people are more at risk, so if you have been out and about in the past two weeks,
including coming to school, stay away from elderly relatives.
Lets Dance

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